Confirmation is an opportunity for students to grow in their knowledge of the Bible, learn more about the history and traditions of the church, and to deepen their relationship with God. Confirmation is a 2 year program that covers the Bible and Luther’s Small Catechism. Although typically for 7th and 8th grade, confirmation classes are open to any age. If you are interested in Confirmation, please contact
Pastor Anthony.
When parents bring their children to the font to be baptized, the church entrusts them to help their child grow in the Christian faith and they promise:
- “…to live with them among God’s faithful people,
- to bring them to the Word of God and the Holy Supper,
- to teach them the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments,
- to place in their hands the Holy Scriptures, and
- to nurture them in faith and prayer,
- so that your children may learn to trust God,
- proclaim Christ through word and deed,
- care for others and the world God made, and
- work for justice and peace.”
Confirmation is a time for individuals to prepare, learn, and grow in their Christian faith. This translates into greater involvement in the life of the congregation as well as living out their faith in daily life.
The confirmation classes are held on Wednesday afternoons from 4:00-6:00 throughout the school year at Trinity Lutheran Church in Welcome.
A confirmation mentor is someone who is willing to befriend and guide a confirmation student in matters related to faith and life. A mentor is an adult, non-family member, who is actively involved in worship and congregational life at one of our Circle of Faith congregations. Mentors will pray daily for their mentee, engage in regular conversation (weekly is ideal), discuss matters of faith in an honest and helpful way, stand with their mentee on their Confirmation Day, and take an interest in their mentee’s life. Each confirmation student will be asked to pick a confirmation mentor.
Registration for Confirmation can be done online or by hard copy. To register online, please click the button below. If you would like to register by hard copy, please stop by the Parish Office. If you register online, please download the
Confirmation Covenant, print, sign, and return.