July 2014 – Pr. Anthony’s

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. As I write this month’s article, our family is just days away from growing.  It is a time that produces excitement, anxiety, joy, nervousness, and happiness.  We are looking forward to our new addition, but we aren’t sure quite yet how the soon to be big brother will take the news.  We will know soon enough though. I would...
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August 2014 – Pr. Eric’s Newsletter

Dear friends, Over the past year at Circle of Faith we thought about who we are.  We reflected on images like a royal priesthood, a holy nation and God’s own people.  This year we are going to take the next step and consider the question, what do we do?  This question really has two parts.  First, what does God intend for us to do?  After all, God called us out of the darkness into his...
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June 2014 Ripples of Faith Newsletter

June Ripples of Faith 2014
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June 2014 – Pr. Eric’s Newsletter

Dear friends, I write this from a continuing education event that I am at this week.  It is called the “Festival of Homiletics”, which means a celebration of preaching.  Our theme is about using the imagination in sermons.  I listened to 3 good sermons and 2 good lectures and one so/so discussion today. One of the sermons was about clay jars.  If you have a few minutes look at...
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June 2014 – Pr. Anthony’s Letter

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. We have come to the end of our first full programmatic year as Circle of Faith Parish.  The year began with  many cottage meetings happening throughout the parish.  At each one of those meetings we began by reading from the letter of 1 Peter 2:2-10, which included our theme verse throughout this year: “…you are a chosen race,...
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